Podcast - Exploring Your Relationship with Food and Disordered Eating

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Kirsty from The Nourishing Way to talk about disordered eating, our relationships with food, our bodies and ourselves. These are relationships that we all have - each and every one of us - they’re life long and they’re worth love and care.

I think there’s a lot in this chat you’ll relate to and a lot you’ll be able to get from it. Disordered eating is sadly incredibly common, but that doesn’t mean we should accept it as part of life. There’s so much that can be done to help and I think that listening to this podcast ep will be one of those things.

We chat about signs of disordered eating, the differences between disordered eating and eating disorders, the importance of your ‘why’, common misconceptions, my own experiences and lots more.

Here's the link to listen!