Your Mental Health Matters

I want to ask you a question - how are you? Really and truly…deep down…how are you? I feel like, more than usual, people have been struggling to deal with daily life mentally and emotionally. Maybe it's something in the air, or maybe we're finally bringing more light and discourse to such an important topic.

In fact, did you know that at least 45% of Aussie's will experience a mental illness during their lifetime? Mental health issues, however, are often largely under reported and it’s estimated that the numbers are much higher than this. ⁠

Mental health is complex – it’s impacted by genetics, life circumstances and stressors, digestive health (e.g. your microbiome), hormonal imbalances (e.g. PMS or PMDD), nutrient status, medications, sleep and lots more. It's still largely stigmatised in our society. It can impact basically every single aspect of your life. It doesn’t discriminate and can impact anybody.⁠ Whether you experience daily stressors, low mood, a diagnosed mental health condition or anything in between…your mental health matters.

I explored various aspects about mental health on my Instagram page last month, which you can check out here. I then took my own advice and decided to switch off from social media for the month of May...and I must admit it's been great so far! It's amazing how much more time and headspace I have for other things. I invite you to give it a go! x