Tips for A Happy and Healthy Holiday Season

That time of year is just around the corner, full of Christmas cheer, festivities, food and more (and I personally can’t wait!). With all the fun that this time of year brings, it can be easy to put your health (emotional, mental and physical) on the back burner, so I thought I’d share a few simple tips to help you feel nourished, nurtured and happy during this time of year.

First and Foremost, Enjoy Yourself!
Take time to enjoy yourself. It can be easy to get caught up in diet culture and feel the need to impose restrictions on yourself, especially during the holiday season. Restrictions and limitations are unrealistic, unmaintainable and honestly unenjoyable! Give yourself permission to enjoy the festive season and all that it entails. Instead of focusing all of your energy on what’s ‘bad’ for you or what you ‘shouldn’t’ eat, focus on enjoying yourself and spending time with family and friends.

Engage in Mindfulness
Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, practice being present and in the moment. Whether that be eating at your work Christmas party, watching your kids end of year concert, walking your dog, buying Christmas presents, or whatever the case may be. A simple way to do this is to engage your five senses - what can you see, hear, feel, smell and taste. This is a great way to tune into the present moment and connect with how you’re feeling. I find this often brings more enjoyment, and if it’s a situation that’s not enjoyable, remember that it will pass.

Practice Self Care
With all of the present buying, running errands, preparing for family and friends, and more, it’s easy to forget how important it is that we take care of ourselves as well as our loved ones. Make sure you do something daily or weekly to nourish yourself – whether that’s 10 minutes quiet time to read a book, going for an evening stroll, buying yourself your favourite tea while running errands, booking a massage, etc – you can’t properly care for others until you care for yourself first.

Feel Free to Say No
In this day and age, many of us succumb to that feeling of missing out or letting down others if we don’t go to every single event in our calendars, even if we’ve already overcommitted ourselves. The same goes for all the food and drinks we’re offered at this time of year – it can be hard not to feel pressured into having ‘just one more slice of cake’ or ‘one more drink’, even though we may not want it. If you’re asked to go out but would honestly rather stay home, or if someone offers you more food and drink but you don’t want it, just say thanks but no thanks (and if you would like to say yes, then say yes!).

Tips for A Happy and Healthy Holiday Season