Do you Have New Years Resolutions?

The new year is well and truly here and it often symbolises a fresh start, right? ⁠

With it, many of us feel the pressure to set ‘new years resolutions’ but try not to get caught up in the hype. If you feel drawn to, try setting intentions instead…and only do so when you feel the time is right (whether that’s today, next week, half way through the year, or any other time). Every day, every hour, every moment is an opportunity for a fresh start after all.⁠

Resolutions infer there’s some sort of problem to fix and create a lot of pressure by focusing on a success / failure ultimatum. ⁠

Intentions, on the other hand, allow you to be kinder to yourself and focus less on having to actually achieve something and more on adopting a mindset to simply try your best. ⁠

Set intentions when the time is right for you. Reset and change them as you or your circumstances change (change is constant…we are constantly growing, experiencing new things etc…so it makes sense that what we desire changes too!). ⁠

Most importantly, allow your intentions to pave the way for some good old self loving…because, my lovely, that is something you’re all darn worthy of!